Upload Your Design (Shaped Wedding and Event Signs)
BackCreat your own design, use a Etsy Design, Canva or from a friend. Any colour, wording or shape
Click the Artwork Template tab for art specs.
General file specs:
IMAGES 300 dpi
BLEED 10mm (for large signs)
PDF (PDF/X-1a is better)
FONTS embedded (or converted to Curves/Paths/Outlines )
CMYK colour only (do not use RGB or Spot or mix them)
FLATTEN transparencies/layers (or you will get odd stripes/blocks)
ADD a cut line for your shape
Please upload pdf images only File should not be larger than 50MB in size.
for single-sided products we will only use the first page if you provide a multipage files.
When finishing is selected that requires proof file, please click 'add more file' to upload the additional file.
note : please upload your proof file for order with extras (drillhole, foiling, emboss, die cut) by clicking upload button again after your artwork file.
note : please upload your proof file for order with extras (drillhole, foiling, emboss, die cut) by clicking upload button again after your artwork file.